Although many people are now interested in buying vacuum cleaner accessories on AliExpress, many of them do not understand some of the operating procedures of AliExpress, so many times it is easy to form conflicts between buyers and sellers. Today we will introduce you to the specific process of buying things on AliExpress from the seller’s point of view through this article.
AliExpress Logo
First of all, many buyers search for their vacuum cleaner / Robot sweeper accessories by keywords, but there is one thing to note: some of the product titles displayed on the AliExpress search results page are in fact not the actual titles filled in by the sellers, but rather the titles refined by the AliExpress platform based on the algorithm, so sometimes you will be surprised to find that the products searched for are not the products you are looking for at all.
Secondly, on the search results page, the products you see are not listed by sales or price, they are what AliExpress calls Best Match results, which is also the result of the platform’s algorithmic intervention (to make it easier for them to sell ads better), and if you want to list them by sales you can choose to click on the Orders option on the page, which will show them based on three months of product sales.
Search Result Page of AliExpress
Then after you get to this step, you can select a reputable store based on the ratings of the merchant on the page to go in and check the product details to make sure these are the products you need for yourself. Because of the platform mechanism, many merchants have to add a lot of adaptable models in the title of the product, and this information may be misleading to you, here we suggest that you compare the style of the merchant’s picture according to the shape of your own equipment accessories when you buy, and then see if there is a model you need in the title. (Because many brands of products are looking for Chinese OEM production, so their accessories are even compatible).
If you are unable to confirm your equipment model at the time of purchase, you are usually required to check the nameplate at the bottom of the equipment, which has detailed information on the product name and model number, and since many products have similar names, they are ultimately identified by the model number.
Nameplate of Conga 6090 Robotic Cleaner
For example, some of Xiaomi’s sweeping robots have very similar product names, which are easy to confuse. To many consumers bring trouble.
Once you have selected the right parts, you must confirm the type of postage you need: Economic Logistics(cainiao super economy), which is inexpensive or even free, Standard Logistics(AliExpress Standard Shipping), which requires a fee, or Advanced Logistics (DHL), which has the highest timeliness.
Different Shipping Methods
These three different types of mailing methods may greatly affect your current shopping experience. Economy logistics will be very slow, generally 1-3 months, and there are even cases of 6 to 9 months, and there is no accurate logistics tracking information throughout. Standard logistics will be slightly better, but there are also delays, overall much more reliable than the former. The last type of advanced logistics usually costs about the same as the product you are buying, which is relatively expensive and rarely used unless it is very urgent. (It should also be noted that these types of logistics have a certain probability of losing your package, and these can be resolved by initiating a transaction dispute).
After the buyer completes payment, the seller usually processes the order within 24 hours, and then these goods are packaged and sent to a logistics warehouse that supports international shipping via a domestic Chinese logistics company. Only when this transit warehouse receives the package will it show that the seller has successfully shipped the goods. If the package is lost in the process, or sent by mistake, the user will see the order display logistics cancellation.
After the user package is finally sent out, the seller will no longer pay attention to the shipping process of these packages, because hundreds of packages per day is impossible to have time to pay attention to each one. So many times the buyer can not receive the package to question the seller, the seller can only through the third-party international courier query method. If the parcel is lost, the seller has no way to help buyers to contact these logistics companies, usually only to bear this part of the loss.
Buying Vacuum Accessories on AliExpress To be continued