Nov 15, 2022

Vacuum cleaner models compatible with Roborock S5 accessories

Roborock has been in the robot vacuum cleaner industry for a long time, and their company has established a good reputation among the consumer community for its high-quality products. Now, Roborock has many excellent vacuum cleaners on the market. Over time, some of its accessories will have some damage, so you need to replace them in time. In this article, we will take a look at the accessory information of Roborock S5 and other vacuum cleaner models compatible with its accessories.

Roborock S5 offers smart LDS navigation, 5200mAh battery, 2000Pa suction. And it also has area cleaning, restricted area, charging, and sweeping and mopping modes. Use lidar technology to navigate and clean your house more systematically. Plus, it resists hair tangles well. Its app features are also amazing, with virtual barriers and off-limits settings.

「The picture below is the details of the related accessories of the Roborock S5」

When purchasing accessories, the corresponding product model will be written after "For" in the title of each product link. Not only will you be reminded in the title, but also the suitable model will be told on the product details page. In order to prevent you from accidentally buying inappropriate accessories, be sure to check before purchasing.

「Vacuum cleaner models compatible with Roborock S5 accessories」

* Roborock E4, E5

* Roborock S5 Max, S6, S6 Pure, S6 MaxV

* Roborock S50, S51, S52, S55

* Roborock S502-00, S502-02, S6P52-00

The above vacuum cleaner accessories are compatible with Roborock S5 accessories, so you don't have to worry about using them even if you buy the wrong one.

In summary

When you buy vacuum cleaner accessories, be sure to pay attention to whether it matches your model. As you can see from the title or details page, choose the package or individual product you need to buy, otherwise it will be troublesome to buy the wrong one.


techTongBo (also named: Nanjing TongBo / NJTB) is a Chinese company specializing in the manufacture and sales of vacuum cleaner accessories. We offer replacement accessories for the global market that are compatible with mainstream vacuum cleaner brands and have stronger price advantages.